CCG Explicit Fee Guarantee
CCG MAINTAINS AN unswerving, non-negotiable commitment to its core value: “Fiduciary [Not Broker] Standards”.
This means we have a duty to put your interests ahead of our own—always. CCG maintains—if a consulting firm upholds broker rather than fiduciary standards, it is impossible to serve a consulting client as a trusted advisor, perform in an unbiased manner, and be free of all conflicts of interest.
As compensation is always at the root of any bias or conflicts of interest, CCG guarantees by contract that:The only compensation CCG will ever accept is with your direct knowledge and prior approval. You’ll never have to wonder if a plan recommendation is being made because CCG is being paid by someone else to make it.
CCG underpins its “Fiduciary Standards” core value with the following explicit fee guarantee.CCG guarantees by contract:
- The only compensation we will ever accept is directly from you—with your direct knowledge and prior approval.
This means CCG will:
- Never take a commission, from any vendor, for any product or service we recommend to you.*
- Never accept a payment, of any kind, for products or services we recommend to you—from anyone but you.
And further, if at any time, CCG is ever offered (or receives) any form of direct (or indirect) compensation, from any vendor, for recommending a product or service to you, CCG guarantees by contract:
To make an immediate and clear identification, and complete disclosure, of any such compensation—prior to making any recommendation.
And, with your prior agreement—apply any such compensation against our consulting fee.
Our Compensation Structure Insures Zero Bias and Zero Conflicts of Interest
CCG guarantees by contract:
- To operate with a fee-only compensation structure.
- To make a clear and simple disclosure of our fees and what we do to earn them.
- To always agree, in advance, on any services to be rendered and billed to you.
- To not index our compensation, in anyway, to underlying increases in the costs of services or products being provided to you by vendors we recommend.
- To ask you for our fees, clearly and openly, each and every year, on the basis of your satisfaction with the services we render.
- To ask you for any increases in fees on the basis of your satisfaction with services rendered.
Disclosure of Bias And Conflicts of Interest
CCG guarantees by contract:
- To make an immediate and clear identification and disclosure of any bias that may arise.
- To make an immediate and clear identification and disclosure of any actual (or potential) conflicts of interest that may arise.
*Note: In certain cases, CCG is mandated by state law and/or by the vendor to be compensated by the vendor. In such cases, CCG will immediately disclose the exact detail of such compensation to you in advance and with your prior knowledge and approval, apply it against our consulting fees.
Our Fee Guarantee Creates Peace of Mind
With this guarantee, you’ll never again have to wonder if a recommendation is being made because your advisor is being paid by someone else to make it. You’ll know that we sit on your side of the table, free of all conflicts of interest and bias.